Shrink wrapping offers a sleek, secure packaging solution for bundling multiple items, widely favored for its quality and affordability. It involves wrapping products of any size or shape in a plastic film, which is then heated to snugly fit the item’s contours.

Econo-Pak excels in providing comprehensive shrink-wrapping services across various industries, with a vast 240,000-square-foot facility ready to handle orders of any scale. We pride ourselves on our process efficiency, ensuring timely deliveries from single items to large-scale production runs.

Our services cater to high-volume projects, leveraging over 200 cutting-edge packaging machines for fast, high-quality shrink wrapping at great value. Shrink film comes in various shrink ratios, thicknesses, and clarities to meet different packaging needs, ensuring the right balance between durability and visual appeal.

Benefits of Shrink Wrapping

The shrink wrapping process involves a film, a sealer, and a heating element. Clients choose their preferred plastic type—typically polyolefin, PVC, or polyethylene—before products undergo a system that wraps, seals, and applies heat for a perfectly contoured package.

This packaging method comes with many benefits, which include:

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increased securityIncreased security: Shrink wrapping increases the security of the package, keeps the contents together, allows visibility of the existing marketing print, and improves the cleanliness of the project on the shelf.


improved flexibilityImproved flexibility: Shrink wrapping can work with uniquely shaped products, and it can accommodate a virtually unlimited range of product sizes.


high product qualityHigh product quality: We use the highest-grade shrink wrapping films that meet or exceed all industry standards (including those that apply to food and beverage products). Our shrink-wrapped film packages are also completely ready for use in retail environments.


versatilityVersatility: We work around the clock in three production shifts to accommodate the tightest deadlines. Our shrink lines can handle extra-long product lengths as well as objects with sensitive electronics or components.


affordabilityAffordability: Shrink wrap offers a much more affordable alternative over other materials used for packaging. Effective use of shrink wrap can also minimize space by keeping items bundled closely together without the use of additional bulky materials like boxes.


FDA complianceFDA compliance: Shrink wrap can be used to package many food and beverage products. Shrink packaging can be built to conform to FDA and third-party regulations and preserve the freshness of its contents.


customization potentialCustomization potential: Shrink wrap can include colors, words, pictures, and logos that enhance your brand’s appeal. From the production floor to the end user, your product isn’t just wrapped in plastic—it’s wrapped in your brand.


Using polymer plastic film to tightly wrap any product, shrink wrapping can work with a wide range of items.

shrink wrapping processIndustry-Leading Shrink Wrapping Service Experts

To learn more about our shrink wrapping services or to request a custom quote for your project, contact us directly today.

Nearly every major market that uses shrink wrap has done so through us. We’ve worked with clients from a wide range of industries to shrink wrap products that appear in:

  • Supermarkets
  • Club stores
  • Convenience stores
  • Vending machines
  • Food service and hospitality environments
  • E-commerce brands

With an HACCP-based quality-control system that fully complies with all FDA regulations, our shrink-wrapping services meet the industry’s highest quality standards.

We can also specifically design our services to comply with the following certifications:

  • Certified organic
  • Safe Quality Food (SQF) Level 3
  • Kosher/Halal
  • Gluten free

Request Your Packaging Quote Today

At Econo-Pak, we offer a comprehensive selection of shrink-wrapping services for projects of virtually any size.

To learn more about our shrink-wrapping services or to request a custom quote for your product, contact us today.

Common Shrink Wrapping Questions

How does shrink film help minimize the shelf footprint and create more space in a facility?

Shrink film’s ability to tightly wrap and secure products allows for more efficient use of shelf space. By eliminating the need for corrugated trays and using polybags for lightweight items, brands can minimize their shelf footprint and create more space in their facilities.

How can shrink film help eliminate the need for corrugated packaging in multi-pack products?

Shrink film’s strength and durability allow brands to securely wrap heavy products without the need for a corrugated tray. This eliminates the requirement for corrugated packaging in multi-pack products.

What types of products can be packaged using shrink film without the use of a corrugated tray?

Heavy products can be securely wrapped in shrink film without the need for a corrugated tray. Additionally, lightweight items such as single-serve chips can be packaged in a polybag, eliminating the need for corrugated packaging.

How can trying different formulations of shrink wrap film reduce re-wraps?

By experimenting with various formulations of shrink wrap film, you can potentially minimize the need for re-wrapping. It is essential to recognize that there are several types of shrink wrap film available, each with its own unique properties that may be suitable for specific products. By trying out different formulations, you can assess which ones work best for your particular product, potentially leading to a more effective and efficient wrapping process. This not only saves time and resources but also reduces the chances of having to redo the wrapping if the initial film choice proves to be inadequate.

What are some specific packaging considerations for different types of products?

When selecting the appropriate packaging film for your product, it is crucial to take into account several specific considerations. These factors will help you choose a film that not only meets your needs but also offers optimal product protection, aesthetic enhancement, cost-effectiveness, and more.

Here are some key packaging considerations to be aware of for different types of products:

1. Nature of the product: Understanding the nature of your product is essential. Consider whether it is a solid, liquid, or fragile item, as well as its perishability and sensitivity to environmental factors.

2. Weight, shape, and dimensions: The weight, shape, and dimensions of your product will influence the choice of packaging film. Ensure that the film can adequately accommodate and snugly fit around your product, providing optimal protection and minimizing excess material wastage.

3. Objectives for color and labeling: Consider your branding and marketing objectives in terms of color and labeling. Determine if the film allows for printing or customization options that align with your desired aesthetic appeal and brand identity.

4. Packaging method: Evaluate how your product will be packaged into the flexible film. Assess whether it will be done manually or by using a specific type of packaging machine. This will impact the type of film required to ensure seamless and efficient packaging operations.

5. Product’s journey: Consider the entire life cycle of your product, from creation to shipment and ultimately its placement on store shelves. Think about the potential hazards and environmental conditions it may encounter during transportation and storage, such as temperature variations, humidity, and rough handling.

6. Climate and environment: If your product will be exposed to different climates or environments, it is crucial to select a film that can withstand these conditions. For instance, if your product will be stored in extreme temperature environments, choosing a film with excellent heat resistance is important.

7. Freshness and shelf life: Determine if your product requires specific film additives to extend its shelf life. This may include oxygen or moisture barrier properties to ensure freshness and prevent spoilage.

8. Anti-tampering and security: If your product requires protection against tampering or unauthorized access, consider films that offer anti-tampering features, such as tamper-evident seals or tear-resistant properties.

By considering these specific packaging considerations, you can identify the most suitable packaging film for your product. Whether you prioritize factors like heat resistance, durability, recyclability, or customization options, thorough research and understanding of your product’s unique requirements will help determine the best packaging options available.

How can temperature fluctuations and exposure to heat or cold affect the quality of shrink film rolls?

Temperature fluctuations and exposure to heat or cold can significantly impact the quality of shrink film rolls in various ways. During the summer months, high temperatures exceeding 100 degrees can cause shrink sleeves to prematurely shrink and compromise their ability to protect goods. To mitigate this, it is important to store shrink materials in the coolest areas of the facility, away from direct sunlight and high-traffic doors. The lower part of pallet racks is typically the coolest spot in a warehouse. Furthermore, it is advisable to schedule shrink film deliveries early in the day to avoid exposing the materials to excessive heat inside trailers during transportation.

On the other hand, in winter, cold temperatures can make packaging films, particularly PVC shrink film, brittle. Extreme cold conditions can cause PVC to crack or shatter like glass, therefore reducing its stretching and shrinking properties. To prevent this, it is recommended to store shrink film rolls away from doors to minimize temperature fluctuations and avoid the accumulation of moisture due to rain or snow. If shrink film is intended to be used for freezing or refrigeration applications, switching to a more durable and food-safe material such as polyolefin film is advisable.

Identifying compromised shrink film rolls is crucial to maintain product integrity and prevent downtime on the packaging line. Sticky rolls, which occur when PVC rolls stick together, indicate that the film has been exposed to high heat and should not be used. Similarly, bagging and sagging within the layers of the rolls are signs of overheated film, which can interfere with machine tracking. It is important to avoid using compromised rolls and discard them appropriately.

Regardless of the quality of shrink film rolls purchased, it is essential to carefully consider storage conditions to ensure optimal protection and presentation of the packaged products. Temperature fluctuations, exposure to heat or cold, and even environmental factors can lead to the deterioration of shrink film, emphasizing the need for proper storage practices.

What are the storage requirements for shrink film?

Shrink film has specific storage requirements that should be followed to ensure its proper functionality. Before purchasing and storing shrink film, it is important to understand these requirements to avoid any issues with the packaging material.

Firstly, it is essential to know the temperature conditions in which shrink film should be stored. Ideally, shrink packaging is best stored in temperatures ranging from 30 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit. Special attention should be given to the storage environment during the summer and winter months.

During the summer, when high heat is prevalent, it is crucial to prevent shrink sleeves from being exposed to temperatures exceeding 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Excessive heat can cause the shrink film to prematurely shrink, compromising its ability to protect the goods. To prevent this, it is recommended to store shrink materials in the coolest areas of your facility, away from refrigeration.

On the other hand, in winter, shrink film becomes brittle when exposed to cold temperatures. This brittleness reduces its stretching and shrinking properties, and in extreme cases, the PVC film may crack or shatter like glass. To prevent this, it is advised to store the shrink film away from doors, reducing temperature fluctuations. Moreover, protecting the film from rain or snow and avoiding prolonged exposure to extremely cold conditions is also crucial. For products that require freezing or refrigeration, using polyolefin film instead of PVC shrink film is recommended. Polyolefin is a more durable, food-safe, and recyclable material that maintains its integrity during transit and packaging.

When taking shrink film out of storage, it is important to identify signs of compromise or damage. Sticky rolls, where the PVC rolls stick together, indicate exposure to excessive heat and should not be used. Any rolls showing bagging or sagging, either on the edges or within their layers, are also indications of overheated film and should be avoided. Using compromised film rolls can interfere with machine tracking and may result in downtime on the packaging line.

Regardless of the quality of shrink film being used, environmental factors can affect its integrity over time. Therefore, it is essential to assess and follow proper storage practices to ensure that the shrink film is able to effectively protect and present your products as intended.

How can market research help in understanding the target audience and making branding decisions?

Market research plays a crucial role in comprehending the target audience and guiding branding decisions effectively. By conducting market research, businesses gain valuable insights into the preferences and values of their desired customer base. This knowledge helps in aligning various aspects of branding, such as budget allocation, transportation considerations, and sustainability goals, with the specific needs and desires of the target audience. By actively listening to the key demographic identified through market research, businesses can tailor their brand positioning, messaging, and offerings to cater to the unique requirements of their potential customers. Hence, market research serves as a powerful tool for understanding the target audience and making informed branding decisions that resonate effectively with the intended customer base.